
One man's trash is another man's treasure map.

Little Tattered Maps

This is an ongoing story project celebrating the love of chocolate. Be on the lookout for these, and be sure to read the back.

Step 1: If you find one of my little tattered maps, send your story of a favorite chocolate memory and the location (city and hiding spot) where you found the map to <hh@huntingforchocolate.com>    Get ideas and submission guidelines here.

Tell your story in whatever way feels most natural to you. Comic strip art encouraged. Your chocolate memory can be told in the form of a poem, artwork, or story, and may be stored in the VAULT

Step 2: Hide the map where the next person to find it will feel as if they found a treasure. (Books in airports make great hiding places.)

*You may also share clues and photos on social media of where you are hiding a map with the hashtag #huntingforchocolate


Haven't found a Little Tattered Map, but still want to share your story?  Have any questions or comments? No worries, I'd love to hear from you.

—Heather Holland, creator of Hunting for Chocolate